How can I connect with a lawyer or notary?

Connecting with a lawyer or notary is simple when using the Leya app.

Legal professionals typically have specializations in certain areas of the law, and so our goal is to ensure you connect with someone that best matches your needs. Follow these simple steps to connect with one of our partners:

  1. After logging into the Leya app, click the Chat icon or prompts to open a new conversation. Follow the prompts to give your Case a name you'll remember. If you chose a preset topic from the dashboard, your Case will be named for you. You can always change it later if you want.

  2. Our legal assistants will ask a few questions about your situation. Based on your answers, they may be able give you all the help you need in the chat, or they will offer times for you to schedule a live Virtual Consultation with the lawyer or notary that best matches your needs.

  3. The chat assistant will also request some personal information from you, to help identify a selection of legal providers for you to choose from. Once you have selected a provider, the Chat Assistant will verify that they can support you by facilitating a (legally required) conflict of interest check. This step requires that you provide your photo ID and details about your case.

  4. Once everything is cleared, you can pay and book your session. From there the provider will give you further instructions or support as requested.

You can continue to share files with your lawyer or notary via the Leya platform. You can also return to your chat by clicking the "Case" icon; this link will return you to all your open Cases (chats).

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