Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 28, 2024

Last updated: May 28, 2024

14364449 Canada Inc., doing business as Leya Technologies, a Canadian corporation ("Leya", “we”, “us”, "our") takes your privacy and the protection of your Personal Information (as defined below) seriously. This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes our privacy practices, the types of Personal Information we may receive or collect from you and how we use, disclose, store and secure it, so that you can make informed choices.  

This Policy applies to our services we offer via our online platform (our "Platform"). We invite you to read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding the collection, processing and storage of Personal Information, or any other information in order to give us your informed consent where appropriate. If you do not consent to this Policy, then you may not use the Platform.  

We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the rights and obligations described in this Policy do not apply to: 

  • third-party websites that may be linked to, integrated or mentioned on our Platform. These third-party websites have their own privacy policies and we encourage you to read them carefully; or 

  • legal professionals you have selected. Leya will disclose your Personal Information to the legal professionals you have selected. 


We consider "Personal Information" to be any information that relates to an individual and directly or indirectly (e.g., by combining it with other information) allows that individual to be identified .   

Leya needs to collect and process some of your Personal Information in order for you to use our Platform. The Personal Information we collect about you will depend on the nature of your interactions with our services and our Platform.  

When we collect your Personal Information, we ensure that we collect only the information necessary to fulfill one of our purposes, which has been previously disclosed to you, for example, in this Policy.

We use Personal Information in accordance with the privacy laws applicable to our business. 

  • Login credentials (email address, username, password);  

  • Contact details such as your first and last name, e-mail address, date of birth, postal address and telephone number;  

  • Governmental ID document (Leya will not keep your ID after it was communicated to the legal professional, unless you give us you express consent);  

  • Information (including documents, images and videos) that you may share while using the Platform (for example, when you use the search function, when you chat, when you use our document generator or document creation). The nature of information will depend on your specific situation and/or the legal professional you have selected. Personal Information may include information about your or any other individual, including your family member, personal, work, family, religion, financial situation, personal goals or objectives, opinion of beliefs regarding a specific situation or your sexual orientation; 

  • Technical information about your use of the Platform such as dates of your visits, IP address, web browser type, version, and settings, information about the equipment used to browse our website; 

  • Information about your interactions with the Platform such as pages visited, clickstreams, content searched for, page response times, errors, duration of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks and mouse-overs), methods used to leave the page; or  

  • Any other Personal Information you have provided to us.   

When you use our payment processing system:  

Your payment information is sent directly to our payment processor and we only receive and retain a confirmation token of the transaction.


From your employer, your insurer, association or any third party 

Access to our Platform is limited and you must have been invited. As such, we will receive some of your Personal Information from your employer, your insurer, association or any third party (collectively, the “Related Party”) to invite you. As such, you consent to our collection of your Personal Information from your Related Party for the purpose of inviting you to the Platform.  

Directly from you 

Once you have been granted access to the Platform, we collect the Personal Information we need directly from you, on the basis of your voluntary consent, for example when you fill in the Platform registration form, when you communicate with us or when you use the Platform.   

From your family member and/or household 

It is possible that we will collect Personal Information about you from a family or household member who has access to the Platform, and which uses the Platform on your behalf. As such, you consent to our collection of your Personal Information from the account holder. 

Automatically when you browse our website or when you use our Platform  

For more information about the collection of information through cookies, we invite you to read the section "How do we use cookies?".  

With your consent 

We collect your Personal Information with your consent, unless applicable law provides an exception to this principle (for example, to comply with our legal obligations, when necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim or proceeding).  


For specific and limited purposes 

Leya generally collects your Personal Information for the purposes listed below (collectively, the "Purposes").  

a) To provide you with the Platform and our services  

This includes to:  

  • Determine your eligibility to the Platform; 

  • Create and administer your user account once you have registered on our Platform;  

  • Process and classify information about you; 

  • Store and archive all the documentation you are entrusting us with;  

  • Provide you with relevant legal information and services; 

  • Present legal professionals who may be able to assist you;  

  • Personalize your use and experience of the Platform.   

b) To communicate with you  

This includes to:  

  • Facilitate our communication with you;

  • Communicate with you regarding your registration to the Platform and your account and to respond to your requests and/or inquiries about the Platform or our products and services in general or for any assistance and support; 

  • Send you administrative information, for example, information about our services and changes to our terms, conditions and policies or inform you of changes to the Platform or any products or services we offer or provide through it;  

  • Provide you with personalized assistance based on your previous requests.  

c) To facilitate your interaction(s) with the legal professionals you have selected  

This includes to:  

  • Provide the legally required information about you to the relevant legal professional in our network you have retained and allow him/her to comply with its legal requirements (including those relating to “Know Your Customer” and conflict checks); 

  • Facilitate your future interactions with a legal professional including to coordinate a consultation or any legal service and provide him/her with the necessary information;  

  • Provide our legal professionals from our network, whom you have retained, with all the relevant legal information and/or facts related to your situation, allowing them to assist you.  

d) For AI and business administration purposes  

This includes to: 

  • Generate aggregate data about your use of the Platform and provide it to your Related Party for the management of its subscription;  

  • Meet our business objectives, such as developing new products and services, improving or modifying our products and services; 

  • Train and improve our existing artificial intelligence models or to create new ones; 

  • Create statistics to demonstrate the usefulness of the Platform;  

  • Conduct research to determine how to improve the Platform, certain services or develop new ones.  

e) For marketing purposes  

This includes to:  

  • Keep you informed of our new offers; 

  • Send you marketing communications that we think may be of interest to you, such as newsletters, “Ask-Me Anything” event, promotional e-mails, direct mailings or business contacts;  

  • Inform you of new product or service releases, new partnerships and other key information about the Platform;  

  • Provide you with useful information and other information about trends and best practices in the legal field and other relevant topics in connection with our services and the Platform; 

  • Measure data for analysis purposes, including the identification of usage trends, and to determine the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and commercial activities.   

f) For security purposes  

This includes to:  

  • Verify your identity and grant you access to the Platform;  

  • Ensure the security of the Platform.  

g) To give you the support you need  

This includes to: 

  • Help you use the Platform;  

  • Respond to your requests and/or inquiries about the Platform or our products and services in general or for any assistance and support.   

h) To comply with our legal obligations and protect our interests  

This includes: 

  • Carry out our obligations and enforce our rights under any contract we may have with you, including rights under our Terms and Conditions;  

  • Audit, surveillance and fraud prevention purposes;  

  • Respond to requests from public and governmental authorities, including public and governmental authorities outside your country of residence;

  • Protect our operations and legitimate interests or those of our subsidiaries; 

  • Enable us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages we may suffer, etc.   

i) For any other purpose compatible with the purpose of the Platform or to which you have consented  

With your express consent, we may use your Personal Information for any other purpose consistent with the purpose of the Platform.  

If we wish to use your Personal Information for a purpose not mentioned above and for which you have not consented, we will ensure that we seek appropriate consent from you or inform you of the change, where permitted by law.


As part of the operation of the Platform, we develop and use technologies based on artificial intelligence (“AI”). This enables us to:  

  • Review and analyze the information you provided (texts, documents, Chat conversations, etc.) to help you identify helpful and/or relevant legal information about your situation; 

  • Assist our employees in providing you relevant legal information to your situation; 

  • Develop any other specific feature or functionality for which we will provide you with relevant information and obtain the necessary consent.  

As such, the Platform may make decisions based exclusively on automated processing of your Personal Information, such as determining the most important words in your request based on context, review the information and document provided to determine their importance, adjust the suggested solution based on your feedback or otherwise provide you with legal information based on the information, questions, interactions and exchanges you had with the Platform.  

On request, we can specify for each case:  

  • Which Personal information was used to make the decision; 

  • The reasons and logic behind the decision; 

  • The main factors that the AI takes into account.   

For these decisions, you have specific rights in addition to those otherwise available: 

1) You have the right to access, rectify or contest all such decisions by contacting us as provided in the Privacy Policy. 

2) If you object to such a decision, you may also contact us as provided in the Privacy Policy to have it reviewed.  

For clarity, and as mentioned above, the exchanges that you may have with our AI systems and the results of those exchanges may be used to improve our AI models or create new ones. 


Internally with our employees

In the course of their work, our employees may need to access your Personal Information, for example, when you contact us or request assistance. Their access is limited to what is necessary for the performance of their duties.  

With third parties 

Your Personal Information will not be sold to third parties.   

We share your Personal Information with third parties to (i) fulfill the Purposes, (ii) respond to requirements or requests made under applicable laws, (iii) perform tasks contracted to us by our customers.  More specifically, we will share your Personal Information with the following categories of third parties.  

With Legal Professionals  

Legal professionals are subject to strict obligations to verify the identity of their clients. As such, we will share your Personal Information with the legal professionals you have selected.  

With service providers  

Leya may share your Personal Information with its service providers and partners to enable the provision of the Platform, creation of legal documents, payment and hosting service providers, automated text analysis service providers or cybersecurity service providers.  


Our service providers may have access to your Personal Information for a limited time in connection with these activities. Where Leya uses third parties to process any Personal Information, we will conduct a Privacy Impact Assessments when necessary.  


Please note that these third parties may be located outside the Province of Quebec and outside Canada. In such cases, Leya takes commercially reasonable steps, as described below in the section "Where is your Personal Information hosted and transferred?". 


During a commercial transaction  

We may need to share your Personal Information without your consent in the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of all or part of the business, for example, as part of a due diligence review. In such a case, we limit sharing to what is necessary to assess the feasibility or advisability of the transaction. 


Where required by applicable law 

We may also share your Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with the law; (ii) comply with an order of a competent judicial authority in any jurisdiction; (iii) comply with legal process served on Leya; (iv) protect and defend the rights or property of Leya ; (v) enforce or verify your compliance with any agreement you have entered into with Leya, if any; (vi) prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Platform; or (vii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Platform or the general public. 


For other purposes, with your consent 

Where you have expressly consented, your Personal Information may be shared with other third parties. For example, there may be specific cases where additional conditions apply and through these we make it clear that specific third parties are processing your Personal Information. 



Your Personal Information may be disclosed and stored outside your province, state, territory or country of residence.  

Our business partners and service providers may be located outside the Province of Québec or other countries. Where applicable and needed, we conduct Privacy Impact Assessments prior to any transfer of Personal Information outside the Province of Québec.   

When applicable we seek to limit access to Personal Information by such third parties to that which is necessary to perform the tasks entrusted to them. We also strive to establish contractual agreements with these agents and service providers to ensure the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information. 


Personal Information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the Purposes, in accordance with our internal document retention policies, to comply with applicable legal, tax or regulatory requirements. At the end of this period, we will destroy, delete or anonymize such Personal Information securely in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and contractual requirements. 

In determining the appropriate retention period for your Personal Information, we take into account the amount, nature and sensitivity of the Personal Information, the potential risk of harm arising from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Information, the Purposes for which we process your Personal Information and the possibility of achieving those Purposes by other means, as well as applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other requirements.   If you wish to obtain more information on this subject or otherwise request the deletion of your Personal Information under this Policy, we invite you to contact us.  


With necessary and appropriate measures  

Leya has implemented security measures to protect your Personal Information. The standard security measures we use depend on the type of information collected. However, Leya uses electronic, physical and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information. We encourage you to use caution when using the Internet, including not sharing your login or password.  

Our employees and suppliers are informed of the confidential nature of the Personal Information collected and are made aware of the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Information. 

If you have any questions about the security of your interaction with us (if, for example, you believe that the security of any account you may have with us has been compromised), or if you believe that an unauthorized account has been created using your name, please contact us as described in the "How to Contact Us" section.  

Children's privacy  

Where Leya may collect personal information from minors, we will require the express consent of the parent, guardian or minor 14 years of age or older, as applicable.   

If a parent or guardian discovers that his or her minor child has provided us with Personal Information without our having obtained the appropriate consent, such parent or guardian has the right, upon request, to inspect the Personal Information provided by the child and/or to require that it be deleted from our files. In this case, we ask the child's parent or guardian to contact us at the coordinates indicated in the section "How to contact us". 


A cookie is a small text file that is stored in a dedicated location on your computer, mobile device, tablet or other device when you use your browser to visit an online service. Other tracking technologies, such as web beacons, tracking pixels, or tokens, may be used for similar purposes. In this Policy, all such tracking technologies are collectively referred to as "Cookie(s)". Any Personal Information collected using Cookies by or on behalf of Leya (if applicable) is treated with the same level of confidentiality as any other Personal Information held by Leya.  

Essential cookies  

These Cookies are necessary for the operation of the Platform and provide basic functions and may include connecting to our Platform, maintaining your session and preventing security threats. We cannot disable these Cookies in our systems without affecting the operation of the Platform. However, if you wish, you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings and forcing all Cookies on the Platform to be blocked.  

Non-essential cookies 

Non-essential Cookies provide certain non-essential functionalities on our Platform, for functional, analytical or advertising purposes. We will ask for your consent before using these Cookies.  

  • Functionality cookies (also known as "preference cookies"): These Cookies are not essential to the provision of our services. They enable us to personalize and improve the user experience. For example, if you have consented to their use, these Cookies will store your communication preferences or provide the integration of content such as videos. 

  • Performance cookies (also known as "statistical cookies" or "analytical cookies"): These Cookies are not essential to the provision of our services. If you have consented to their use, we use Performance Cookies to understand how you interact with our Platform, to produce location reports and to have analytical reports on Platform errors. Our partners may also use this type of Cookie to analyze your use of our Platform and provide us with information about it. These Cookies are intended for statistical purposes only.   

Deactivation of Cookies to which you have consented  

With the exception of strictly necessary Cookies, we will only place Cookies on your device with your consent, and these Cookies will be retained for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months from the time they are installed on your device. At the end of this period, your consent will again be required. You can also manage your Cookies by changing the settings on your browser or device. For details on how to configure your browser, please consult the help center for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge or Opera. However, if you choose to refuse Cookies, certain pages or sections of our Platform may not be displayed correctly or certain functionalities may no longer be available. You may also continue to receive advertising, but it will no longer be as tailored to your needs. 


Access to and correction of Personal Information  

Depending on your situation, it is important that the Personal Information we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. Please keep us informed of any changes to your Personal Information. By law, you have the right to request access to and correction of the Personal Information we hold about you. 

If you wish to consult, verify, correct or withdraw your consent to the use of your Personal Information, you may do so by contacting us as provided in the Policy.  

We will ask you for specific information to help us confirm your identity and right of access, and to provide you with the Personal Information we hold about you or to make the changes you request. Applicable law may permit or require us to refuse to provide you with access to some or all of the Personal Information we hold about you, or we may have destroyed, erased or made anonymous your Personal Information in accordance with our record-keeping obligations and practices. If we are unable to provide you with access to your Personal Information, we will inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions such as:  

  • Information protected by solicitor-client privilege; 

  • Information that is part of a formal dispute resolution process; 

  • Information about another person that would reveal his or her Personal Information or confidential business information.  

We may refuse to rectify Personal Information if we believe that the correction would violate a law or legal requirement or would render the information incorrect.  

Withdraw your consent 

Where you have given your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information, you may have the legal right to withdraw your consent in certain circumstances.  

To withdraw your consent contact us as set out in this Policy.  

Please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with a particular product, service or consultation and/or you may no longer be able to access the Platform. We will explain the consequences at that time to assist you in your decision.  

Right to data portability  

As of September 2024, you may request that Leya provide you with computerized Personal Information in its possession in the form of an intelligible written transcript in a structured and commonly used technological format. You may also request that such Personal Information be disclosed to any person or organization authorized by law to collect such information.   

We will ask you for specific information to help us confirm your identity before providing such computerize Personal Information. 


Leya will only send you the Personal Information it has collected from you and may exclude certain Personal Information under applicable law (such as Personal Information it has created or inferred about you). Leya also reserves the right to refuse any such request if it raises serious difficulties under applicable law.  


File a complaint 

You may file a complaint with our Privacy Officer if you are dissatisfied with our handling of your Personal Information or compliance with this Policy.   


You are also entitled by law to lodge a complaint with a privacy commissioner or any other competent supervisory authority for the protection of Personal Information. 


How to exercise your rights 

To exercise any of your rights (to the extent that they are available), please contact us as indicated in the "How to Contact Us" section.  


Our senior executives have delegated the management of the privacy program to the privacy officer (the “Privacy Officer”). His/her duties consist of managing and monitoring Leya's internal personal information management program. It is the Privacy Officer who approves and implements privacy policies and procedures, ensures their proper functioning and reports to Leya senior management on the effectiveness of the program.   

It is also the responsibility of the Privacy Officer to provide you with the necessary support in the event of a question, complaint or request relating to the protection of Personal Information.  

If you have any questions about any aspect of this Policy, wish to send a comment, lodge a complaint or exercise any of the rights available to you under applicable law, please do so by using the “Leya Support” link on the Platform, where available, or please contact our privacy officer as follows:  


Privacy Officer 

Address: 1275 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal, 5th floor, Montréal, Québec H3B 0G4 




 If you have any questions about your personal file on the Platform or about matters relating to your contractual working relationship with your Related Party, such as your name, address, telephone number, please contact your Related Party directly.

If you have any questions regarding a technical problem with the Platform or your access to or use of its functions, please contact us at the following address:


In addition to this Policy, we have put in place policies, practices and procedures relating to the management of the Personal Information we hold in order to protect your Personal Information.  These internal policies and procedures govern the collection, use, disclosure, retention and destruction of personal information, as well as complaint handling, information security and data governance at Leya. They also provide the framework for the implementation of Privacy Impact Assessments, where required, as well as the prevention of and response to potential privacy incidents. All these policies and practices have been approved by our Privacy Officer. 


We revise the Policy from time to time to comply with applicable laws and our operations. If we update this Policy in a material way, we will notify you by sending you a notice either on our Platform or by e-mail. However, in all other circumstances, the posting of a new version of the Policy on our Platform or your continued use of the Platform will suffice as notice and consent to the Policy changes. 

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: November 15, 2023

Last updated: November 15, 2023

14364449 Canada Inc., doing business as Leya Technologies, a Canadian corporation (“Leya“, “we”, “us”, “our“) takes your privacy and the protection of your Personal Information (as defined below) seriously. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy“) describes our privacy practices, the types of Personal Information we may receive or collect from you and how we use, disclose, store and secure it, so that you can make informed choices. 

This Policy applies to the services we offer and to our platform accessible at (our “Platform“). However, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the rights and obligations described in this Policy do not cover third-party websites that may be linked to or mentioned on our Platform. These third-party websites have their own privacy policies and we encourage you to read them carefully.  

We ask that you read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding the collection, processing and storage of Personal Information, or any other information in order to give us your informed consent where appropriate. If you do not consent to this Policy, then you may not use the Platform. 

Furthermore, in order to protect your Personal Information, we have put in place policies, practices and procedures relating to the management of the Personal Information we hold.  

These internal policies and procedures govern the collection, use, disclosure, retention and destruction of personal information, as well as complaint handling, information security and data governance at Leya. They also provide the framework for the implementation of Privacy Impact Assessments, where required, as well as the prevention of and response to potential privacy incidents. All these policies and practices have been approved by our Privacy Officer (as defined below). 



For the Purposes (as defined below) of this Policy, “Personal Information” means any information about an identifiable individual, including information that can be used alone or in combination with other information to identify, contact or locate a single individual.  



The Personal Information we collect may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Your contact details such as your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address and telephone number in order to identify you and correspond with you; 

  • A copy of governmental ID document to schedule a consultation with a professional (the “Consultation”) and ensure that they can comply with their legal requirements; 

  • Information related to your use of the Platform, such as the date of your registration to the Platform, the time and date of login, your username, your password, your IP address, information concerning your browser or the device used; 

  • Your personal information about your situation, your physical and mental health that you may share while using the Platform or that would be relevant and necessary for a Consultation; 

  • Information (including documents) about your personal, work, family, financial situation that you may share while using the Platform as part of research being done on the Platform, a chat with one of our employees or to schedule a Consultation or document creation, such as your job, your personal history, relevant points regarding a legal matter, your personal goals; 

  • Technical information about your use of the Platform, such as your login details, dates of use of the Platform, geolocation, web browser type and version, time zone settings, system used, as well as information about your internet connection, equipment used to access the Platform, content submitted and certain details about your usage; 

  • Technical information about your interactions with the Platform such as pages visited, clickstreams to, through and from the Platform, times of your interactions, content searched for, page response times, Platform errors, duration of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks and mouse-overs), methods used to leave the page; 

  • We may also require Sensitive Personal Information such as information about your personal, financial or legal situation, your opinion of beliefs regarding a specific situation or your sexual orientation to ensure that we can efficiently advise you with the issue you’ve encountered; and 

  • Any other Personal Information you have provided to us. 



Leya needs to collect and process some of your Personal Information in order for you to use our Platform.  

When we collect your Personal Information, we ensure that we collect only the information necessary to fulfill one of our purposes, which has been previously disclosed to you, for example, in this Policy. We use Personal Information in accordance with the privacy laws applicable to our business. 

Directly to you  

As a general rule and as required by applicable privacy laws, we collect the Personal Information we need directly from you, on the basis of your voluntary consent, for example when you fill in the Platform registration form, when you communicate with us or when you use the Platform. For more information about the collection of information through cookies, we invite you to read the section “How do we use cookies?“.  

With your consent  

We generally collect your Personal Information with your consent, unless applicable law provides an exception to this principle (for example, to comply with our legal obligations, when necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim or proceeding).   

Other permissible legal basis, such as the performance of our contracts  

As permitted by applicable privacy laws, Leya may collect Personal Information without your express consent, for example, to comply with obligations under applicable laws or to fulfill our contracts.  

Refusing and withdrawing your consent  

You have the right, if you wish, to refuse the processing of your Personal Information. You may also, at any time, and subject to reasonable notice and any applicable legal or contractual restrictions, withdraw your consent (if any) to the processing of your Personal Information in our possession by contacting us. You should be aware, however, that if you choose not to provide us with your Personal Information, this may prevent you, for example, from using the Platform, as some of this information is essential to such use. You can contact us as indicated in the “How to contact us” section for any questions relating to this subject. 



For specific and limited purposes   

Leya generally collects your Personal Information for the purposes listed below (collectively, the “Purposes“). 

a) To provide you and our clients (your employer) with the Platform and our services  

We collect and use your Personal Information to enable you to access the Platform and to access the services offered therein, including the information, services or reports to which you request access. Specifically, we use your Personal Information to:  

  • To determine your eligibility to the Platform, log in and authenticate yourself; 

  • To process and classify information about you; 

  • To provide you with relevant legal information and help you navigate the Platform; 

  • To ensure that our employees can efficiently assist you when you need help finding specific legal information; 

  • To ensure that we can coordinate schedule a Consultation and provide him/her with the necessary information, including a Personal Information; 

  • To ensure that we can provide the legally required information about you to the relevant legal professional you are scheduled to meet and ensure that they can comply with their legal requirements of “Know Your Customer” and conflict checks; 

  • To transfer your user account between different clients (your employers) and their subscription ;  

  • To personalize your use and experience of the Platform;  

  • To create and administer your user account once you have registered on our Platform;  

  • To generate aggregate data about your use of the Plateform and provide it to your employer for the management of its subscription; and 

  • To communicate with you regarding your registration to the Platform and your account and to respond to your inquiries about the Platform or our products and services in general.

b) For the administration of our business  

We may use your Personal Information for purposes relating to our business and the proper management of our administration. Specifically, we may use your Personal Information as follows:  

  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights under any contract we may have with you, including rights under our Terms and Conditions, including billing and collection, or to comply with legal requirements;  

  • To meet our business objectives, such as developing new products and services, improving or modifying our products and services,  

  • To send you administrative information, for example, information about our services and changes to our terms, conditions and policies,  

  • For audit, surveillance and fraud prevention purposes, and; 

  • To ensure the security of the Platform. 

c) To give you the support you need  

We may use your Personal Information to respond to your requests for assistance, support or information in connection with the Platform or our services. Specifically, we may use your Personal Information as follows:  

  • To respond to your requests for information, assistance and support;  

  • To answer your questions, queries, comments or complaints, and; 

  • To provide you with personalized assistance based on your previous requests.

d) For study, research, marketing and statistical purposes  

We may use your Personal Information for study, research, marketing and statistical purposes, including to improve the Platform, our products or services, our marketing or our customer relationships and experiences. Specifically, we may use your Personal Information as follows:  

  • To keep you informed of our new offers; 

  • To send you marketing communications that we think may be of interest to you, such as newsletters, “Ask-Me Anything” event, one-time promotional e-mails, direct mailings, business contacts or newsletters; 

  • To create statistics to demonstrate the usefulness of the Platform;  

  • For data analysis purposes, including the identification of usage trends, and to determine the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and commercial activities,  

  • To improve the Platform and our services and train artificial intelligence models integrated or to be integrated in the Platform; and; 

  • To conduct research to determine how to improve the Platform, certain services or develop new ones.

e) To comply with or act under any applicable law or regulation  

We may use your Personal Information to ensure that we can comply with any legal requests under applicable law or regulation, which includes, but is not limited to:  

  • Respond to requests from public and governmental authorities, including public and governmental authorities outside your country of residence; 

  • To protect our operations and legitimate interests or those of our subsidiaries; and 

  • To enable us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages we may suffer, etc.

To send you messages  

We may use your Personal Information to communicate with you in several ways (sending newsletters, e-mail messages, Chat messages, news, updates, written communications, etc.) (collectively, the “Messages“), including:  

  • To inform you of new product or service releases, new partnerships and other key information about the Platform; 

  • To inform you of changes to the Platform or any products or services we offer or provide through it; and 

  • To provide you with useful information and other information about trends and best practices in the legal field and other relevant topics in connection with our services and the Platform.

You may choose not to receive Messages in the manner indicated in the “Contact Us” section or through the unsubscribe link included in Messages. However, Leya may continue to send you Messages to remind you of any Consultation, inform you of available upgrades, critical technical issues related to the Platform, or to provide you with important account information (if applicable).  

For any other purpose compatible with the purpose of the Platform or to which you have consented  

With your express consent, we may use your Personal Information for any other purpose consistent with the purpose of the Platform.  

If we wish to use your Personal Information for a purpose not mentioned above and for which you have not consented, we will ensure that we seek appropriate consent from you or inform you of the change, where permitted by law. 



Specifically, you understand that as part of the operation of the Platform, we develop and use technologies based on artificial intelligence (“AI”).

This enables us to:  

  • Review and analyze the information you provided (texts, documents, Chat conversations, etc.) to help you identify helpful and/or relevant legal information about your situation; 

  • Assist our employees in providing you relevant legal information to your situation; 

  • Any further specific feature and functions to be developed and for which we will provide you relevant information and obtain necessary consent. 

You understand that these artificial intelligence-based technologies make automatic decisions based exclusively on automated processing, such as determining the most important words in your request based on context, review the information and document provided to determine their importance, adjust the suggested solution based on your feedback or otherwise make recommendations about legal information based on the information, questions and exchanges you also had with the system.  

On request, we can specify for each case:  

  • Which Personal information is being used; 

  • The reasons and logic behind each decision; 

  • The main factors that the AI takes into account.

For these decisions, you have specific rights in addition to those otherwise available:  

  1. You have the right to access, rectify or contest all such decisions by contacting us as provided in the Privacy Policy. 

  1. If you object to such a decision, you may also contact us as provided in the Privacy Policy to have it reviewed.

For clarity, and as mentioned above, the exchanges that you may have with our AI systems and the results of those exchanges may be used to improve our AI models or create new ones. 



Your Personal Information will not be sold to third parties.   

We share your Personal Information with third parties to (i) fulfill our purposes, (ii) respond to requirements or requests made under applicable laws, (iii) perform tasks contracted to us by our customers.   

Most of the time, you have already consented to such sharing, for example by accepting the consent presented to you when you opened your account. Sometimes applicable laws also allow us to share your Personal Information with third parties without your consent, in specific cases.  

Specifically, we may need to share your Personal Information, sometimes without your consent:  

With our employees   

In the course of their work, our employees may need to access your Personal Information, for example, when you contact us or request assistance. Their access is limited to what is necessary for the performance of their duties.  

With service providers and strategic partners  

Leya may share your Personal Information with its service providers and partners to enable the provision of the Platform, such as legal professionals, publisher of legal documents, payment and hosting service providers, automated text analysis service providers or cybersecurity service providers.   

Our service providers may have access to your Personal Information for a limited time in connection with these activities. Where Leya uses third parties to process any Personal Information, we implement reasonable contractual and technical safeguards, including Privacy Impact Assessments, to ensure that these third parties keep all Personal Information they process strictly confidential.   

Please note that these third parties may be located outside of your geographic location (province, state, territory or country). In such cases, Leya takes commercially reasonable steps, as described below in the section “Where is your Personal Information hosted and transferred?“.  

With our customers (your employer)  

Your personal employment file may be visible to your employer (our “Customer”), where necessary for the purposes of its human resources management functions.  

Our Customers agree not to use your Personal Information for any other purpose, including promotional purposes.  

Where required by applicable law  

We may also share your Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with the law; (ii) comply with an order of a competent judicial authority in any jurisdiction; (iii) comply with legal process served on Leya; (iv) protect and defend the rights or property of Leya ; (v) enforce or verify your compliance with any agreement you have entered into with Leya, if any; (vi) prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Platform; or (vii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Platform or the general public.  

During a commercial transaction   

We may need to share your Personal Information without your consent in the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of all or part of the business, for example, as part of a due diligence review. In such a case, we limit sharing to what is necessary to assess the feasibility or advisability of the transaction.  

For other purposes, with your consent  

Where you have expressly consented, your Personal Information may be shared with other third parties. For example, there may be specific cases where additional conditions apply and through these we make it clear that specific third parties are processing your Personal Information. 



We may sometimes include links on the Platform to third-party sites or services that we do not control. If you click on one of these links, you will be directed to sites that we do not control. Please read the privacy policies of those sites, applications or platforms that may collect Personal Information to understand their privacy policies and Personal Information collection practices. 



Your Personal Information may be disclosed and stored outside your province, state, territory or country of residence.  

Our business partners and service providers may be located in Canada or other countries. Please be aware that we have contractual agreements with these third parties and suppliers to ensure that your Personal Information is handled in accordance with the laws applicable to us. Where applicable, we conduct Privacy Impact Assessments prior to any transfer of Personal Information to another jurisdiction, such as outside Quebec.   

We endeavour to limit access to Personal Information by such third parties to that which is necessary to perform the tasks entrusted to them. Please be aware that we also strive to establish contractual agreements with these agents and service providers to ensure the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information. This may include the implementation of robust and effective security measures.   

In addition, Leya will ensure that your Personal Information is adequately protected by appropriate technical, organizational or other legal means. If you would like more information about these security measures, please contact us as indicated in the “How to contact us” section.  



Personal Information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the Purposes, in accordance with our internal document retention policies, to comply with applicable legal, tax or regulatory requirements, or until you request us to destroy it. At the end of this period, we will destroy, delete or anonymize such Personal Information securely in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and contractual requirements.   

In determining the appropriate retention period for your Personal Information, we take into account the amount, nature and sensitivity of the Personal Information, the potential risk of harm arising from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Information, the Purposes for which we process your Personal Information and the possibility of achieving those Purposes by other means, as well as applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other requirements.   

If you wish us to delete the Personal Information, we hold about you through the Platform, we will notify your employer (our Customer) who will be given ten (10) days to register the Information required to maintain a complete and compliant employee file. If you would like more information, please contact us.  

If you wish to obtain more information on this subject or otherwise request the deletion of your Personal Information under this Policy, we invite you to contact us. 



With necessary and appropriate measures  

Leya has implemented security measures to protect your Personal Information. The standard security measures we use depend on the type of information collected. However, Leya uses electronic, physical and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information. We encourage you to use caution when using the Internet, including not sharing your login or password.   

Your Personal Information is hosted by our service providers who are committed to using reasonable security measures to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of your Personal Information.  

Our employees and suppliers are informed of the confidential nature of the Personal Information collected and are made aware of the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Information.  

We maintain our service and all associated data with technical, administrative and physical safeguards to protect you against loss, unauthorized access, destruction, misuse, alteration and improper disclosure of your Personal Information. These safeguards vary according to the sensitivity of the data in our possession, and are based on the best industry standards. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.  

If you have any questions about the security of your interaction with us (if, for example, you believe that the security of any account you may have with us has been compromised), or if you believe that an unauthorized account has been created using your name, please contact us as described in the “How to Contact Us” section. 


Children’s privacy 

Where Leya may collect personal information from minors, we will require the express consent of the parent, guardian or minor 14 years of age or older, as applicable.   

If a parent or guardian discovers that his or her minor child has provided us with Personal Information without our having obtained the appropriate consent, such parent or guardian has the right, upon request, to inspect the Personal Information provided by the child and/or to require that it be deleted from our files. In this case, we ask the child’s parent or guardian to contact us at the coordinates indicated in the section “How to contact us“. 



A cookie is a small text file that is stored in a dedicated location on your computer, mobile device, tablet or other device when you use your browser to visit an online service. Other tracking technologies, such as web beacons, tracking pixels, or tokens, may be used for similar purposes. In this Policy, all such tracking technologies are collectively referred to as “Cookie(s)“. Any Personal Information collected using Cookies by or on behalf of Leya (if applicable) is treated with the same level of confidentiality as any other Personal Information held by Leya.  

Essential cookies  

These Cookies are necessary for the operation of the Platform and provide basic functions and may include connecting to our Platform, maintaining your session and preventing security threats. We cannot disable these Cookies in our systems without affecting the operation of the Platform. However, if you wish, you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings and forcing all Cookies on the Platform to be blocked.  

Non-essential cookies  

Non-essential Cookies provide certain non-essential functionalities on our Platform, for functional, analytical or advertising purposes. We will ask for your consent before using these Cookies.  

  • Functionality cookies (also known as “preference cookies”): These Cookies are not essential to the provision of our services. They enable us to personalize and improve the user experience. For example, if you have consented to their use, these Cookies will store your communication preferences or provide the integration of content such as videos.

  • Performance cookies (also known as “statistical cookies” or “analytical cookies”): These Cookies are not essential to the provision of our services. If you have consented to their use, we use Performance Cookies to understand how you interact with our Platform, to produce location reports and to have analytical reports on Platform errors. Our partners may also use this type of Cookie to analyze your use of our Platform and provide us with information about it. These Cookies are intended for statistical purposes only. 

Deactivation of Cookies to which you have consented  

With the exception of strictly necessary Cookies, we will only place Cookies on your device with your consent, and these Cookies will be retained for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months from the time they are installed on your device. At the end of this period, your consent will again be required. You can also manage your Cookies by changing the settings on your browser or device. For details on how to configure your browser, please consult the help center for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge or Opera. However, if you choose to refuse Cookies, certain pages or sections of our Platform may not be displayed correctly or certain functionalities may no longer be available. You may also continue to receive advertising, but it will no longer be as tailored to your needs. 



You may review, correct, update, modify or delete the Personal Information you have provided to us using your account. Simply contact us and we will assist you.    

You can also exercise your rights listed above by sending a written request to our Privacy Officer. He or she will be happy to assist you in any way he or she can.   

For your protection, we will only process requests to exercise your rights from the same e-mail address you use to log in to your account. We may also need to verify your identity before processing your request. Depending on the applicable laws, we will inform you of the procedure to follow, the processing time and the information required, if any. We aim to respond to requests promptly, usually within thirty (30) days.  

a) Access to and correction of Personal Information

Depending on your situation, it is important that the Personal Information we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. Please keep us informed of any changes to your Personal Information. By law, you have the right to request access to and correction of the Personal Information we hold about you.  

You may view and modify Personal Information by contacting us. If you wish to consult, verify, correct or withdraw your consent to the use of your Personal Information, you may do so by contacting us as provided in the Policy.  

We may ask you for specific information to help us confirm your identity and right of access, and to provide you with the Personal Information we hold about you or to make the changes you request. Applicable law may permit or require us to refuse to provide you with access to some or all of the Personal Information we hold about you, or we may have destroyed, erased or made anonymous your Personal Information in accordance with our record-keeping obligations and practices. If we are unable to provide you with access to your Personal Information, we will inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions such as:  

  • Information protected by solicitor-client privilege. 

  • Information that is part of a formal dispute resolution process. 

  • Information about another person that would reveal his or her Personal Information or confidential business information. 

  • Legal record information: subject to applicable legal limitations, you have the right to access your legal record as it is available to us through the Platform. If you request a copy of your legal record, it will be provided to you for a reasonable fee. You may request access to your legal record by contacting us.Access to your legal record may be temporarily denied if providing access would create a significant risk to your health in the opinion of the relevant professional. Access to your legal record will also be denied if disclosure is likely to have a material adverse effect on your physical, mental or emotional health in the opinion of a professional, or to reveal personal information about a third party or the existence of such information and disclosure may seriously harm that third party, unless the third party consents or in the event of an emergency threatening the life, health or safety of the person concerned.  We use reasonable means to ensure that the information in your legal record is accurate. If you find any inaccuracies, you may request that a note be made on the record indicating the inaccurate information.

We may not accede to a request to amend information if we believe that the amendment would violate a law or legal requirement or would render the information incorrect.  

If you are concerned about our response or wish to correct the information provided, you may contact us as provided in this Policy.  

b) Withdrawal of consent

Where you have given your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information, you may have the legal right to withdraw your consent in certain circumstances. To withdraw your consent, if applicable, contact us as set out in this Policy. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with a particular product, service or consultation and/or you may no longer be able to access the Platform. We will explain the consequences at that time to assist you in your decision.  

c) Right to de-index

The right to de-index allows you to request that Leya cease disseminating your Personal Information or de-index any hyperlink attached to your name providing access to Personal Information if such dissemination causes you harm or contravenes the law or a court order.  

d) Right to data portability

As of September 2024, you may request that Leya provide you with computerized Personal Information in its possession in the form of an intelligible written transcript in a structured and commonly used technological format. Alternatively, you may simply ask Leya to confirm the existence of your Personal Information. You may request that such Personal Information be disclosed to any person or organization authorized by law to collect such information.   

Leya will only send you the Personal Information it has collected from you and may exclude certain Personal Information under applicable law (such as Personal Information it has created or inferred about you). Leya also reserves the right to refuse any such request if it raises serious difficulties under applicable law.   

e) Other rights and how to exercise them

Depending on applicable law, you may have other rights with respect to your Personal Information that are not otherwise listed above. This may include:  

  • Request the deletion of your Personal Information; 

  • To obtain additional information, for example on the categories of third parties to whom we communicate your Personal Information; 

  • To withdraw your consent at any time, if we have collected and processed your Personal Information with your consent. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing we carried out prior to your withdrawal, nor the processing of your Personal Information carried out on the basis of legitimate processing grounds other than consent. 

  • File a complaint with a privacy control authority, such as a privacy commissioner or the Commission d’accès à l’information


We invite you to write to us with this request and to provide us with the relevant information about that right to enable us to assess its implementation.  

To exercise any of your rights (to the extent that they are available), please contact us as indicated in the “How to contact us” section.   

You may file a complaint with Privacy Officer of Leya if you are dissatisfied with our handling of your Personal Information or compliance with this Policy.   

You are also entitled by law to lodge a complaint with a privacy commissioner or any other competent supervisory authority for the protection of personal information. 


13. Your choices regarding our use and disclosure of Personal Information 

The Information you provide may be used by Leya for marketing purposes, including, but not limited to, one-time promotional e-mails, direct mailings and business contacts. We offer you several choices regarding our use and disclosure of your Personal Information with respect to marketing, location data, Cookies or online advertising. You may opt-out: 

  • Our electronic marketing communications: You may opt-out of receiving these emails by sending a deletion request to the email address listed in the “How to contact us” section. You may unsubscribe from our electronic mailing lists at any time. If you so request, we will not use your contact information for future marketing purposes. Please note that we may nevertheless send you messages for administrative purposes or directly related to your use of the Platform, and you cannot refuse to receive these messages without ceasing to use it.  

  • Certain location data: You can disable the use of certain location data on your device, for example by disabling our Platform location services in your browser or mobile privacy settings. We may also retain usage data such as the date and time the application on your device accesses our servers. 

  • Non-essential cookies: You can deactivate these cookies by following the procedure described in the “How do we use cookies” section.  



Our senior executives have delegated the management of the privacy program to the Privacy Officer. His/her duties consist of managing and monitoring Leya’s internal personal information management program. It is the Privacy Officer who approves and implements privacy policies and procedures, ensures their proper functioning and reports to Leya senior management on the effectiveness of the program.   

It is also the responsibility of the Privacy Officer to provide you with the necessary support in the event of a question, complaint or request relating to the protection of Personal Information. 

If you have any questions about any aspect of this Policy, wish to send a comment, lodge a complaint or exercise any of the rights available to you under applicable law, please do so by using the “Leya App Support” link on the Platform, where available, or please contact our Privacy Officer as follows: 


Privacy Officer 

Address: 201-455 boul. de la Gappe, Gatineau (Québec) J8T 0G1  



Your request may be granted or denied by Leya in accordance with applicable laws. Leya will take prompt corrective action upon becoming aware of any breach of this Policy. Leya shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages related to this Policy. You may at any time file a complaint with the appropriate authority if you believe that Leya is not handling your Personal Information in a manner consistent with this Policy or applicable law.  

If you have any questions about your personal file on the Platform or about matters relating to your contractual working relationship with your employer, such as your name, address, telephone number, please contact your employer directly.  

If you have any questions regarding a technical problem with the Platform or your access to or use of its functions, please contact us at the following address: 



We revise the Policy from time to time to comply with applicable laws and our operations. If we update this Policy in a material way, we will notify you by sending you a notice either on our Platform or by e-mail. However, in all other circumstances, the posting of a new version of the Policy on our Platform or your continued use of the Platform will suffice as notice and consent to the Policy changes.